Thursday, August 1, 2013

Top 10 Reasons to be a Kindergarten Teacher

August is here! Unfortunately, for me the beginning of August means the beginning of a new school year. I know what you are thinking, August!?! Yes, my school has a longer school year than most. It is great for the students but for me, not so much. There will be a decrease in the amount of days in which I wake up passed 8am and an increase in the amount of days in which I wake up at 5am. Let's have a moment of silent for the hours of sleep that I will be losing...Thanks! Now with every negative there's always three positives, in this situation there will be ten positives. August marks my third year of teaching and also my second year teaching Kindergarten, the one grade that is different from all the other grades. Kindergarten is the grade that begins the lifetime of learning for children. It is the one grade that determines if they like or dislike learning. Sharpen your are my top ten reasons to love teaching Kindergarten!

1.   There will never be a day in which your students will look at you like a fool. In fact, you are considered as the smartest person on earth in their eyes!

2.   You have a secret joy inside when your students realize you changed the room around beyond switching their seats

3.   Your students enter your classroom barely able to hold a pencil or read a sentence, yet they leave your classroom knowing how and so much more!

4.   You become a master of “potty training” (there are always “accidents” in Kindergarten)

5.   You know way too many Sesame Street songs for your own good

6.   If you are having a bad day, you will receive at least one, “ you look so beautiful today” from a student

7.   Your students are excited about everything you introduce to them.

8.   Your students will always tell you that you are the BEST teacher they ever had which is clearly a lie because you are probably the only teacher they ever had.

9.   Your students love to see you dance.

10.     You are the one that starts their academic successful life, which is the most rewarding opportunity to have as a teacher!

Do you remember your kindergarten teacher? What was your Kindergarten experience like? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.


Unknown said...

I remember my Kindegarten experience. Her name was Mrs. Schneider, short, petite older lady with black hair. One thing that stands out to is how much we played, which is definitely not the norm these days. Blocks, wooden- big blocks and plastic kitchen utensil comes to mind...Oh there's one more! I discovered a love for apples and cheese that I passed on to my daughter when she started kindergarten.

Mandy said...

Yes, Kindergarten is not the same any more. However, as a teacher its important to incorporate the things you loved as a child into your own classroom. Of course having your fingers crossed hoping your students will enjoyed them just as much as you did as a child. By the way, glad to hear your daughter loves apples and cheese! It healthy and easy to pack. Thanks for the comment, it's truly appreciated! :)

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