Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happiness is...

Happy Birthday America!! 

Today truly marks a special day for the United States of America. On July 4th, 1766 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which stated that the United States of America was independent from Great Britain and its King. This document set forth a wave of happiness throughout the country. It didn't matter, during that moment what race, color of skin you were, all that matter was the fact that your country was set free. 

We Americans, now celebrate this day, July 4th with hot dogs, hamburgers, beers (no judging), fireworks, parades and music. While chewing on my juicy turkey burger I began to think. What is happiness? In the year 1766, happiness meant, being free from a King and running your country with elected officials that your country's citizens have chosen.  We have been figuring out ways to maintain our happiness but what truly is happiness. I decided to dip my foot into the lake of what is happiness.
This is what I have concluded...
  1. Happiness is the sound of children laughter
  2. Happiness is the world peace
  3. Happiness is the end of world hunger 
  4. Happiness is the sound of a baby cries once it has been delivered/born
  5. Happiness is giving a homeless person at least a dollar
  6. Happiness is a cold glass of water
  7. Happiness is the sun shinning 
  8. Happiness is the smell of sea water
  9. Happiness is family gatherings 
  10. Happiness is saying the simple three words, I Love You
What is happiness to you? Thank you for reading my post and have a wonderful, safe 4th of July!

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