Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A TO Z Challenge: H is for Home

Some like to call me a hermit crab minus the concept of me searching for a new home. I can't help it. I actually enjoy staying at home relaxing and spending time with my cat. Although, he prefers to spend his time sleeping in a shoe box. I love being at home and doing the things that make me happy.  

Yes, I know there are so many things happening outside but the same can be said about your home. You just have to make it happen! Sitting on the couch and watching television isn't the only answer. Try something new, like reading a book, marching in place during each commercial if your preference is to stay at home and watch television, write a letter to someone nearest and dearest to your heart, look out the window (just don't be creeping about it) or if you have cans of beans in your pantry take two out and do arm lifts. Who said you need gym materials to do exercise? Stay active as you would outside. 

 Now you have a little understanding of  why I prefer to just stay at home in my Captain Planet pajamas to do what makes me happy. You should do the same every once and awhile. After all, your home is your kingdom.  

Please leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A TO Z Challenge: G is for Guilty…Guilty Pleasures

 Shhh!!! We all have them. We all secretly love them. Why else would we call them guilty pleasures? From eating chocolate chip cookies in bed while watching the Real Housewives of Orange County to reading Young Adult novels when you're CLEARLY not a teenager any longer, guilty pleasures  are something we all have. The term "guilty pleasure" is defined as things we should not  like but like anyway. In basic words, a guilty pleasure is something that you actually enjoy but are ashamed to tell others. 

Now it's time to throw the dark shade sunglasses away because I am about to indulged in my top ten guilty pleasures!

"My Guilty Pleasures" 

1. The Spice Girls (Yes! They are still in heavy rotation on my iPod)

2. The Real Housewives franchise 
3. Wendy Williams (you really shouldn't judge )
5. Gossip Magazines 
6. Vampire Diaries ( I am very aware of my age and the difference of the age group that watches this series)
7. Dance Moms 
8. Writing To-Do lists for everything
9. Richard Simmons work out videos ( I always have a great sweat following along to his moves and motivation)

10. Watching Cat Videos on YouTube

There, I say it! Please don't judge. I'm pretty sure you have a little list of your own that you're a little ashamed of telling others. :)  

Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

Monday, April 7, 2014

A TO Z Challenge: F is for Flying

We all have done it at least once. Some of us might even fear the thought of it at times. If you're like me, you always feel like your  in a mist of marshmallows while experiencing it. That is why flying is one of the best experiences to feel. Many feelings are captured on one ride through the clouds while flying. Although, it can be expensive at times I love booking a trip that requires time spent on an airplane. One can see so much just by sitting at the window seat instead of the aisle seat. Take a look at  Observing Your Surroundings for examples of how flying lets us take glimpses of our beautiful world. 

What was your best flying experience? Worst? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Challenge #ATOZCHALLENGE

Hello world! It's so good to be back! I have been on a hiatus for quite some time now thanks to teaching full time, finishing my last year of grad school, traveling and enjoying the people I love. However, after  debating and reading blogs from others' I have decided to come back. Not only am I coming back refreshed and ready to write about my adventures but I am re-entering the blog world by participating in the Blogging from A TO Z Challenge. During the month of April, each post on Staircase to Life will begin with a letter from the alphabet, which means there will be 26 posts starting with 26 letters and posting everyday…well…everyday except for Sundays. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and let the challenge begin!

A TO Z Challenge: E is for Earth

We live on planet Earth. Therefore, it's only right that she gets a shout out. Our Earth has gone through many changes from the Ice Ages where most of our planet was covered in ice to her current status in which it's either too hot or too cold. Nevertheless, we should treat our planet as we would like to be treated ourselves. Let's make an effort to pick up our trash and place it in the trashcan instead of on the floor. Our Earth deserves this and so much more! Without her where would be…hopefully not Venus!

What is your favorite thing about our earth? Do you do any thing special to save it each day? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

A TO Z Challenge: D is for Determination

 D D is for Dacryphilia
Never give up, show determination! Take a look around. Each form of architecture you walk passed, movies you watched, and even the furniture you sit on was developed by a person that probably faced several "no's" but still remained determined until one day their idea was officially brought to life. The same applies to you, don't give up, show determination! You can do it! Keep believing.

I have just started this challenge. It's my first time but I am determine to complete it to my best ability!

What are you determine to achieve? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

A TO Z Challenge: C is for Create

Creating isn't just for those with autistic eyes and minds. Creating can be done by everyone. You don't have to share your creations. In fact, you don't have to let anyone know what you had created. It can be your little secret. Did you know that even your Sunday's dinner can be a creation? Yes! Sunday's dinner! Try whipping up something new in the kitchen that will have your family wondering, "what brought forth this change?" Just remember it's your little secret creation. ;)

Ever created something shockingly excellent? Did you show it off or keep it yourself? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

A TO Z Challenge: B is for Boring

Boring!?! Yes indeed! Think back. Most of your most interesting, fun, adventurous memories were created from boredom. Heck, even this blog was created from boredom! Bored? Make a list of things you always wanted to do and as Nike says, "Just do it!" You can even write a list of things to do at home. Hey, home is your first and best playground, no one knows it better than you!

Ever had a boring day? What did you do to end the boredom? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.

A TO Z Challenge: A is for Attitude

Every hour in our day a new attitude arrives. Although, at times it hard to stay positive and look at the bright side, we should! The attitudes we display have consequences. Our attitude effects everything from our relationships, businesses, failures and success in life. Just think about it. When you look back at past situations you had faced the first thing that comes to your mind is "Oh, I wished I had reacted like _____ instead of like _____." Stop playing the movie in your head. It's over. Every minute leads to a new start of you redirecting your attitude. Start making changes now!


This is my first time participating in this challenge. I started late but  I am ready for the challenge

Do you remember a time in which your attitude had gotten the best of you? What was the aftermath of your attitude's action? Leave a comment. Did you enjoy this post? If so, please consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or via Email. Also, I'd love to keep sending you updates about my journey of maintaining inner happiness, so please subscribe to Staircase to Life.