Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fifty things I wished I was told before becoming a teacher...

You should have told me this before!

1.    Black becomes your new favorite color
2.    You will develop a extreme distaste for anyone slouching in their seat
3.    You will sometimes find yourself saying, "good job" to adults with your thumb up
4.    The charts you enjoyed making in the beginning of the school year, you will hate to make with a passion by the middle of the school year
5.    You will learn that chocolate takes all the pain away
6.    Starbucks two weeks Happy Hour is the best way to do Happy Hour according to you
7.    The papers you couldn't wait to grade while in college become your "what the hell was I thinking?" moment once you graded fifty
8.    You will question if you truly want children of your own
9.    You will prefer teaching than taking your class on a field trip
10. By January you will be counting down to June

11. Even one day off is good enough
12. The pain  of holding your pee and/ or poop while teaching is as painful as childbirth   
13. You spend more hours with your co-workers than your family
14. It pays to be nice to the custodian and secretary
15. If you didn't love school lunch while you were in elementary school, you will love it once you're teaching two months into the school year!
16. You will find yourself telling your friends, "I can't make it out, it's a school night"
17. The comedian within you will come out...your audience demands to be entertained!
18. Your students won't believe you are a real a person until they see you shopping on a weekend
19. You will need to find alternatives to curse words (my favorite: "Oh Donuts")
20. Your principal can be your greatest ally or biggest enemy
21. You will love Snow Days more than your students

Be careful with how many snow days you wish for! You might have to make those up...over the summer :/
22. The Internet is your best friend (especially Pinterest)
23. No one will understand your madness unless they are a teacher as well
24. You will draw lots of blanks at random moments
25. You will start hearing voices throughout the day
26.  You will start referring to yourself in third person
27. Your weekends will be spent sleeping the day away
28. You will never be done with work
29. The students your thought were adorable the first day of school are not so adorable by April
30. You will always have one parent you cannot stand the sight or voice of with each new year...there's always replacements!
31. Your high school days are not over when you graduate high school, in fact, the teaching profession has even meaner mean girls...which side will you be on?
32. The school building has a greater amount of competition than the Olympics
33. You will often question if you made the right decision to go into the profession of teaching
34. You will discover that your body is older than your actually age. (I'm 24 years old with a 56 years old body)
35. Watching television only happens on holidays and vacations. Invest in a DVR!
36. You will have moments of intense crying without a cause
37. You will never have time to see a doctor
38. You will begin the school year looking skinny and fit to only end the school year feeling like a Humpback Whale (the consequence of chocolate making everything better)
39. Wearing jeans will feel like a privilege
40. You will never think you're good enough (keep pushing yourself to the next level!)
41. You will always be the only one amongst your friends to have a pen, post-its, markers,tissues, and hand sanitizer handy within your purse...unless your friends are teachers themselves
42.   You will start to wonder what your teachers thought about you when you were your students age
43. You will sometimes secretly wish for something to happen to you in order not to go to work
44. You will start to question why people have children
45. You will want to hit everyone on the head that says, "oh, you're so lucky, you get the summers off"
46.  You will begin saving for your retirement after your third month of working because you know you wouldn't be able to last until the age of 65
47. You are always surrounded  by germs
48. There's always one good part to your day, no matter how bad the day ends (this very important to remember)
49. If you think you're at the top of your game, you just barely accomplished the third level!
50. Always begin your day, maintain your day, and end your day with a SMILE! (It hurts at certain points of the day but looking back, it makes everything worth it)

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