101x of Happiness

Put a Smile on your Face!

Sometimes we don't realize there are many things within our day that puts a smile onto our faces. I decided to take out a pen and paper to jot exactly what these things are. Low and behold not only was I able to write down what truly brings a smile but I came up with a list of a hundred and one things! Take a look, you might even discover some things that you happy written on my list.

1.      Gel Manicures
2.     Finishing my cup of ice coffee before 10am
3.     Not having to wear a jacket/coat outside
4.    A good, fast pace novel
5.     Hanging out with my girlfriends  and laughing the night away
6.     Having a dinner with a beautiful backdrop
7.     A brand new pair of flat shoes
8.     Finding a pair of jeans that fits my body perfectly (once I find them I have to buy more than one)
9.     Observing the growth/success of my students throughout the year (it's amazing to witness the change of children development from September until June)
10.  Leaving work with everything completed for the following day before 5pm
11.     Wearing a brand new outfit and feeling like a super model while walking down the street
12.   Hearing my mother say, she is proud of all my success
13.   Having one year left of Grad School (Master's diploma here I come)
14.  Receiving As in my all my classes
15.   Watching my cat sleep (Oy Vey, cats sleep a lot!)
16.   Eating the frosting off the corner of a cake
17.   Completing a level of a game
18.   Sleeping in late on Saturdays
19.   Going through culture shock every once in awhile
20. Catching the train as I walk into the station
21.   New episodes of my favorite shows
22.  A cold pillow
23.  Taking a shower after a long day of work
24. Sharing a cake pop with one of my closest  girlfriends
25.  Receiving a meaningful surprise
26.  Hearing my students' parents say they are glad their child is in my class
27.  My birthday (one year older,  one year wiser)
28.  A beautiful flowing dress
29.  Getting a seat on the train when it is super crowded
30. Spring days where the weather isn't too hot or too cold
31.   Traveling with a close friend
32.  Traveling with family
33.  Traveling to a new place
34. Having a friend offer me a ride home (especially on rainy days)
35.  90s music
36.  Looking at old photos of myself (I still look the same)
37.  Having a clean bedroom (thanks mom :D )
38.  Entering into an air condition room after being in the humid heat of New York City's streets
39.  Having my hair straight
40.  Taco Bell
41.  Not having to write lesson plans over the weekend
42. Not sweating (gross feeling)
43. Finding a rainbow
44.  Empowering songs (any genre)
45. Being the best role model I can possibly be for my younger brothers
46.  Sleeping on the train in the morning while going to work (everyone needs at least 7 hours of sleep, unfortunately I never reach that amount)
47. No line in Starbucks when I'm trying to get my morning cup of Joe
48.  Laughing at my own silliness
49.  Knowing a song's lyrics before my friends
50. Getting home before my mother (which means I have achieved #10 for the day) 
51.   Looking at others' tattoos (I have one myself but wouldn't dare get another)
52.  Going to bed early (sometimes its best to have a grandma status)
53.  Dinner with my coworkers
54.  Finding a nice heart necklace in a store (I have four already)
55.  Gift cards
56.  Making others laugh (even during my corny moments)
57.  Carrying  a light bag on my shoulder
58.  Reading signs on trains and buses
59.  Red Mango original frozen yogurt
60.  Having a fully charged iPod
61.   Sprinkles on cake and ice cream
62.  Eating ice cream from a pint size container
63.  Online shopping
64.  My delivery packages arriving when I'm home
65.  Seating in a quiet train cart
66.  Buying books from Barnes and Nobles
67.  Teacher stores
68.  Buying school supplies
69.  Having my clothes dry cleaned
70. Having hot water when I take a shower
71.   The feeling that is felt after working out
72.  Crime shows
73.  Maintaining my diet
74. Listening to others with foreign accents
75.  Warm beach water
76.   Walking below a bird and not having it poop on me
77.  Wifi
78.  Scramble eggs in the morning with a side of non-crispy bacon
79.  Freshly printed paper (love the hot paper feeling)
80. College Rule Notebook paper
81.   The convenience of my Nook
82.  The way my cat greets me when I come home
83.  Fresh flower smelling hand lotion
84. Witnessing the success of my brothers
85.  Rocking Chairs
86.  The smell of new born babies
87.  The sound of children laughter
88.  Ice Coffee in the summer (of course with Vanilla flavor)
89.  The smell of Spices
90. Watching others paint in parks (wish I was that creative)
91.   New Year's Day (a fresh new start)
92.  Christmas' Lights on houses
93.  Peanut M&Ms
94. Double Stuff Oreos
95.  Macaroni and Cheese
96.  Crab Cakes
97.  A new Kelly Clarkson album
98.  Old Navy clothes
99.  Receiving complainants
100. Going to new restaurants
101. Looking at my face...it's a reflection of my mother's beautiful face   


Unknown said...

How long did it take you to create this list?

Mandy said...

Hi! It took a few hours. I had to stop a few times and actually think of all the things I truly love. Thanks for the comment :)

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